Blood of Christ is an instrument of payment

(1Pet. 1) 18 knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers, 19 but with precious blood, as of a faultless and pure lamb, the blood of Christ.

Here we see that (on the heaven) blood of Christ is an instrument of payment, just like as silver and gold are instruments of payment on the Earth.

For something to be used as an instrument of payment, it needs to be precious just like gold, and in this Bible fragment we see that blood of Christ is precious.

By the way in modern Hebrew the word “damim” may be translated both as blood and payments. Coincidence?

How much to donate?

The following is human logic:

I should donate either all (except of remaining to eat and other basic needs) or none of my salary, because my projects are either less important or more important that the projects I donate form. If my projects are more important, I should use all me money to support that projects. And if my projects are less important, then I should dedicate all my money to others’ projects.

For example, I am a wise mathematician and thus my projects are more important than projects of any other man or woman I know. Thus I conclude that I should not donate anything, but use all my money to support my important projects.

The above does not entirely hold for a businessman (rather than a receiver of a fixed salary or other fixed kind of income), that is a person whose income depends on his spends (the more he invest the more he receives). A business should decide a percent to spend for a charity and percent to spend for investment to earn more money in the future to spend more for charity in the future.

I nevertheless pay a tithe in a church. Why? Accordingly the above I should spend all my money to support my scientific activity.

God wants us to pay a tithe. If a man spends all his money to his own projects, he doesn’t rely on support of God. We should pay to God and expect that he will return us back more money.

“I am so great that I should not donate anything” stance is wrong accordingly Bible. We should rely on God not to ourselves. I we consider ourselves too great to donate then we consider ourselves above morality. Nobody is above morality because everyone should be subject to God.

This is because a talented and powerful but greedy person is even worse than nobody. The economy on the Earth is just a part of the economy of the entire universe ruled by God. I we are a part of heavenly economy, then we must subject ourselves to God and thus donate (at least a tithe) relying that God will give us back more.

If we think that God should help our projects without us donating to others’ projects, we are in pride. Bible says that God resists proud. We should take this resistance into account calculating our spends and gains, because if we don’t, God resistance will disturb our projects.

My projects are more important than yours. Donate all your money (or at least how much you are willing to donate) to me.

Holy Spirit is a prosthesis for us

We are all sick. Sin is a very serious disease everybody of us sick with.

Sinners do not only lack proper connection with God, but also are unable to calculate like computers in their brains (as Adam before the Fall was able). Also sinners are liable to irrational thinking. Thus sinners work inefficiently, unlike sinless creatures.

What Holy Spirit does for us? He serves as a prosthesis. He advices and directs us how to work efficiently (for example, in earning money).

The system consisting of a sinner filled with Spirit and Holy Spirit is what is called a “blessing”, that is a man or woman working more efficiently despite of his or her lack of computing power.

Note that we should not be proud of having a prosthesis. Suppose somebody in the world would be proud of having no legs and leg prosthesis. This would be silly. In the same way it is silly to be proud of having Holy Spirit.

This will continue to develop and in the future little God’s children will exceed angels, because Holy Spirit exceeds angels and he will prevail over our sinful nature. He will no longer need to serve as a prosthesis but he will not leave us after full healing from sin.

You can read in my book how I was transformed into a sinless computer for about a month. This is the future of all of us.

On Christian prosperity doctrine

Hearing about prosperity doctrine preached about by some Gospel preachers, I wondered:

(1Tim. 6:9) But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction.

Isn’t the whole point of donations under this doctrine to boost the donor’s own prosperity?

For example, I am a mathematician and keeping money for myself rather than donating it to more stupider people, I would use money more efficiently as it supports breakthrough science research.

Following “prosperity Gospel” I must donate money to others in order to increase my own blessings. It is not because money there would be better but just for my own prosperity.

Now, after I have determined that I should no more consider myself as a slave of Christ not following the slavish doctrine anymore, I can freely prefer to give money to these who need it the most (or keep to myself if I myself need money for some useful project).

Read my book about renowned Christianity where we don’t anymore consider ourselves as slaves of Christ but as free people.

By the way, if you want to use your money efficiently you can donate them to me because with me they would efficiently support: math research, innovative software, and Bible research and theological writing. Use money where they are the most efficient, or keep them to yourselves if you can use them effectively to help other people.